Interamna, un oscuro pueblo romano, escapó del declive del Imperio en el siglo III.

Interamna, un oscuro pueblo romano, escapó del declive del Imperio en el siglo III.

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Two thousand years ago, the ancient Roman settlement of Interamna Lirenas in central Italy’s Lazio region was a typical remote Empire town. It was believed to have suffered the same fate as so many obscure Roman settlements during the politically and economically stressful second and third centuries, declining gradually at first and then more rapidly before falling into oblivion by the year 400.

A new study from archaeologists at the University of Cambridge reveals a far more complex history for this small Roman village. Despite its remote location, Interamna Lirenas was surprisingly resilient, adapting and maintaining success and prosperity during the decline of the Roman Empire.

The discovery comes after a long-term archaeological analysis of the deserted Interamna Lirenas site, revealing a town that thrived for centuries despite the challenges faced by the Empire.

The study shows how the decline of the Roman Empire impacted the people of Interamna Lirenas and how they managed to adapt and thrive despite the uncertain times.

The archaeological excavations at the Interamna Lirenas site in central Italy’s Lazio region have uncovered the prominent remains of a theater, showcasing the resilience and determination of its citizens.

From the perspective of history, the story of Interamna Lirenas sheds light on how communities in Italy and across the empire might have adapted and thrived in challenging conditions.

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